
That’s a great point, Kath. It most definitely does drive consumerism. The whole ‘keeping up with the Jones’ is bundled in there too.its all quite sickening really, isn’t it? Xxx

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I think perfectionism will drive us all insane! It also really fuels consumerism, as there’s always a product we can buy to solve that ‘problem’ isn’t there? When really there wasn’t a problem to begin with. I love that corner of your kitchen, it’s much more than the sum of its parts.

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Oct 14Liked by Kim Houssenloge (Mak)

There is endless beauty in imperfection. Imperfection is my perfection.

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There's no such thing as perfection though, is there Lindsey? I mean it's so personal and in the eye of the beholder. Imperfect all the way! xox

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Oct 13Liked by Kim Houssenloge (Mak)

You say you have a long way to go, I say you’ve come a long way.

I’ve loved walking this journey with you. We’ve laughed, cried, teased, joked, shared unsolicited opinions over this topic that, like the flaming eye of Mordor (look it up - still can’t believe you haven’t watched these movies 🙄), has cast its shadowy form over so many aspects of our early adulthood. But through strong connection we’ve battled this subject together and independently and our achievements are highlighted in gold like Wabi-Sabi. Beautiful piece Kimmi ❤️

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Awww, well I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, my dearest friend! We have most definitely walked a wobbly old path together through our 30s, 40s and now .... gulp ... 50s! Couldn't think of a better bestie to walk it all with. Here's to more imperfect days together:) xox

PS I bloody do know who Mordor is, and I have forced myself to watch several of these movies but argh, they most definitely induce sleep. hahahahaha

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Oh Melissa! 😢 Please will you start writing. You have so much wonderfulness to share and the world needs to hear!!! 💓💓💓

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Oct 14Liked by Kim Houssenloge (Mak)

You are too kind - big scary world to write in 🥰

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but fun too!! xxx

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Oct 13Liked by Kim Houssenloge (Mak)

Funny how you see imperfection and I see a spot I want to come into, make a cup of tea, grab a homemade piece of cake or biscuit. Sit down at the table and chat. It’s perfectly imperfect for a country kitchen that is in a lived in home full of love. We all see so much more in other people or places or homes than we do ourselves.

Remember I wrote about sitting in a monthly Gathering (I miss them) and the entire time all I did was look at myself in the little corner of the screen and critique everything about me. How I looked, silver bits of hair coming through, face round and getting bigger by the day with medication due to chronic illness. How everyone else looked so happy and wonderful and I was just me. I tried so hard to see past that face and not worry what other people thought. But I felt imperfect and I work on it as much as I can to look in the mirror at me, not just my eyes and think I’m perfectly imperfect. Perfection is putting too much pressure on ourselves and it is one of the reasons I no longer use Instagram or Facebook. Substack has become my favourite hangout. With a cup of tea and a piece of cake it is where I sit and chat 💬 now I can do it from your kitchen corner making my cup of tea.

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Oct 14Liked by Kim Houssenloge (Mak)

So very true Melissa - the different perspectives we take as individuals reflecting on others. There was endless beauty in you speaking up during zoom chats. This is something I don't have the courage to do because I am too shy. I admire your courage and wish I possessed a little of it too. Perfectly courageous.

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I love that: perfectly courageous:) I loved it when Melissa shared her feelings around all of that. It was so uplifting and humble and just all the things. x

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Oct 14Liked by Kim Houssenloge (Mak)

Thank you so much Brenner, I’m such an admirer of you and your work. This compliment really means so much 🥰

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Oct 13Liked by Kim Houssenloge (Mak)

I would rather have imperfection than perfection any day Kim. Everything you do is beautiful, it doesn't have to be perfect. x

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Oh me too, Lindsey. Perfection - urgh. It's not a thing when all is said and done. It's just a concept and it can never be met. So let's forget about it and stick to imperfect and lovely. xox

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