Come on in, let’s go inside. I’ll pop the kettle on.

There’s date cake in the tin, and butter ready to slather on top.

Help yourself, while I pour the tea.

Milk? Sugar?

So, what is Betty Mae Wrote on Substack?

It’s a cosy cuppa and chat around my table. It’s a time for us to share the little (and sometimes, big) simple moments; what’s been happening in the garden, the recipes we’ve tried, memories and moments and ideas and thoughts, ups and downs and round and rounds, and just all of the things that make us who we are, and create the chapters of our life.

It’s about connection, and stories, and a whole lot of nostalgia, and my hope is that through sharing my own little life letters, I might encourage, and inspire you to think about your own, and maybe, just maybe, you might pick up a pen, find a fresh blank sheet of paper, and write some of them down.

That, to me, would be the icing on my carrot cake!

Oh, how about I make a carrot cake next time?

Before we begin, let’s get acquainted …

I’m Kim, a stationery subscription creator and writer, living on the beautiful Far South Coast of NSW.  I am a homebody, and thankfully I also work from home, so that suits me to a tee.

You will often find me pottering around my garden, with a cup of tea in hand, willing new flower buds to hurry up and unfurl. My garden is rambling (to hide the weeds), and it needs more work than I can offer it right now, but it is the place I go to whenever I need to slow down and take a breath. I find myself, more often than not, pondering and remembering things while I’m in there. Nature has a funny way of doing that for me.

Speaking of remembering, I am finding that the older I get (I’m 52 … eek!), the more often I catch myself wandering back to childhood memories, and moments in the past. I feel like I am in a continual state of nostalgia, and I am enjoying it.

I am also one of those people who has a vintage suitcase, and a couple of drawers, full of letters that I’ve kept since I was first able to write them. Nostalgic, much?

If you like, you can also:
*  Check out my website and the stationery goodies over there. * Join The Lovely Letters Project a free snail mail exchange. * Sticky beak at The Tea + Toast Club for your stationery hoarding delight!
* Follow me on Instagram for lots of photos and videos.
Follow me on Pinterest for more of the above!

Why subscribe?

By subscribing to Betty Mae Wrote on Substack you are supporting me, my work and the future of creatives online.

Okey doke, well, how about this for an idea? …

Let’s connect over letters, and stories, and conversations, and tea (always, always tea), and make the world a much smaller, lovelier place.

Gosh, I’d love that. What do you think?

The Free Subscription:

A weekly letter from me. An opportunity to pour yourself a cuppa, find a comfy, quiet spot to sit, and read more than just a caption on a social media post. Ahhh, remember the days of reading long form writing?

This is the place where my ramblings happen.

You’ll get:

* the rundown on life living on 3 acres of the Far South Coast of NSW; home; garden goings on; flowers and the like; my passion for vintage things; all of the shenanigans created by our menagerie of cute, but ever-so-demanding farm pets

* meanders into the stories from my 70s and 80s childhood (I tend to go there a lot these days!)

* to hear all about my obsession for stationery, letter writing and my much loved Tea + Toast Club and Lovely Letters Project (a free pen pal exchange for women)

* stories of people, and places, and things, and feelings.

* glimpses of my son, Lew’s, gorgeous watercolour illustrations for my stationery subscriptions

* more personal letters from this 52 year old, perimenopausal woman


The Paid Subscription (Dear Nan):

The paid membership is an extra special space. It’s where I write, in letter form, to my nan. It’s called Dear Nan, and it’s where I share her story, and mine, and our 50 year long relationship, and the beautiful connection we had.

If you have had a grandparent that you treasure, and you enjoy nostalgic meanders, funny conversations, and simple stories of a life well lived, you will love my Dear Nan membership.

For less than the price of a weekly cup of tea at a nearby cafe, you will receive:

* Intimate letters to my Nan, sharing our 50-year relationship.

* Photos, recipes, and snippets from Nan's life.

* Postcards from places and moments in time.

* Illustrated (by my son, Lew), flower themed paper for your own letters and writings.

* A supportive, connected, community space where we can chat, sip tea, and discuss our own stories of those people and times and moments we hold so dear.

Want in?


Subscribing to Betty Mae Wrote (either free or paid) is the best way to stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. But of course, if you’d rather, you can also read it here online at Substack. Nothing ever disappears into the abys. How awesome is that?

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I can’t wait to share and connect with you over these little life letters.


Subscribe to Betty Mae Wrote

Betty Mae Wrote is a publication of letters, and simple life stories. There will be journal prompts, stationery, and behind the scenes glimpses of my imperfectly cosy, slow life as a writer and stationery creator on the beautiful Far South Coast of NSW.


During the day I create stationery subscription boxes, and digital subscriptions for letter writers. I also facilitate an awesome letter writing exchange for women. I love to write about our simple country life.